Bermatingen Politics & Bodies
The Council
The council, according to the Municipal Code of Baden-Wuerttemberg (GemO) the "main body of the municipality". The council, according to the Municipal Code of Baden-Wuerttemberg (GemO) the "main body of the municipality". He is: the political representation of the citizenry that the "principles for the management of the community () sets ... He is: the political representation of the citizenry that the "principles for the management of the community () sets ... and over all affairs of the community (decision), unless the mayor is responsible by law" (§ 24.1 sentence 2, GemO). and over all the affairs of the community (decision), unless the mayor in charge of law "(§ 24.1 sentence 2, GemO). The council is also responsible for control of the municipality. The council is also responsible for control of the municipality.
![Bermatingen Politics & Bodies Bermatingen Politics & Bodies](images/Bermatingen_politics.jpg)
The council is legally not a parliament, but an administrative body, the administration - guides - also with individual decisions. The council is legally not a parliament, but on administrative body, the administration - guides - so with individual decisions.
Advice under the chairmanship of the Mayor and the Councillors decide the needs of the community. Advice under the chairmanship of the Mayor and the Councillors decide the needs of the community.
The work of the municipal council of the municipal council The work
The agenda for a council meeting is set up by the mayor. The agenda for a council meeting is set up by the mayor. Mayor and administration develop a written document submitted on the background of the topic and a proposed resolution. Mayor and administration develop a written document submitted on the background of the topic and a proposed resolution.
There is the possibility of preliminary discussion in committees. There Is The Possibility of preliminary discussion in committees. The municipality has set up Bermatingen three committees: The Committee for Construction and Environment, the Administration and Finance Committee and the Cultural Committee. The municipality has set up three committees Bermatingen: The Committee for Construction and Environment, the Administration and Finance Committee and the Cultural Committee. Here, the Committee for Construction and Environment is known as "decision-making committee" that is, it must in his business, which is set in the main statute, decide without further involvement of the local council. Here, the Committee for Construction and Environment is known as "decision-making committee" that is, it must in his business, Which in the main statute is set to decide without further involvement of the local council.
Committee meetings are generally the same as council meetings to be public, only when it is about the protection of persons, non-public session is possible. Committee meetings are the same as GeneRally council meetings to be public, only when it is about the protection of persons, non-public session is possible.
The most important rights of the municipal council are: The most important rights of the municipal council are:
* The Statute Law (the "legislative power" of the church), the Statute Law (the "legislative power" of the church);
* The right budget, the budget law;
* The planning authority, the planning authority;
* The personnel authority (the setting of local authority employees). The personnel authority (the setting of local authority employees).
The term of municipal councils is five years. The term of municipal councils is five years. They are like the county councils, parliament and parliamentarians in general, direct, free, equal and secret ballot by the citizens. They are like the county councils, parliament and Parliamentarians in general, direct, free, equal and secret ballot by the citizens. The number of community councils based on the population of the municipality; Bermatingen there are 15 community councils. The number of community councils based on the population of the municipality, there are 15 community councils Bermatingen.
The Mayor
The mayor as head of the community unites in his office and his position as mayor at the same three functions The head of the community unites in his office and his position at the same three functions
* He is voting chairman of the council and all its committees, he is voting chairman of the council and all its committees,
* He is Director of Administration, He is Director of Administration,
* He is the representative and legal representative of the community. He is the representative and legal representative of the community.
As the only member of the municipal council of mayors in all three phases of the local events is crucial when it happens: in the preparation phase of the decision, in the process of legally valid decision in the council and in the execution phase of the decision. As the only member of the municipal council of mayors in all three phases of the local events is crucial when it happens: in the preparation phase of the decision, in the process of legally valid decision in the council and in the execution phase of the decision . In addition, the Mayor has the right "in urgent matters ..., whose execution is not even up to a deadline may be postponed without and informally convened council meeting" (§ 43.4 GemO), "instead of the municipal council to decide." In addition, the Mayor has the right "in urgent matters ..., whose execution is not even up to a deadline may be postponed without and informally convened council meeting" (§ 43.4 GemO), "instead of the municipal council to decide. " The council sets out the main statute, may decide to what amount the mayor of a measure. The council puts on the main statutes, you can purchase up to decide what amount the mayor of a measure.