Germany Weather

Weather and Climate in Germany

Germany's climate is almost as varied as its country but it is mostly temperate. Extreme temperature lows and highs are rare. Winter temperatures vary from west to east, with around freezing temperatures in the west and well below freezing in the east of Germany. Summer temperatures are typically between 20°C and 30°C, with more rainfall during the summer months.
Frequent changes of weather make forecasting difficult. To be on the safe side, be sure to bring a sweater and wet weather clothing with you.

Central and Southern Hills

Apart from the coastal regions, the Northern regions and Southern Bavaria, Germany's climate is relatively constant. From Leipzig and Dresden to Stuttgart the summers are warm with frequent rainshowers. Winters are generally cold. The amount of snowfall and average temperatures are generally influenced by altitude rather than by various climatic regions.
The weather is continental in the sense that it varies from year to year, meaning a chilly spring and rainy summers one year can be followed by spectaculary warm and sunny the next year.

The areas around the Rhine are blessed with a particularly pleasant climate which allows for the successful cultivation of grapevines. Close to the German border with Switzerland, in the region of Freiburg im Breisgau, temperatures are generally warm enough for tobacco to grow successfully.

Today's weather and climate overview for Cologne | Dresden | Frankfurt am Main | Freiburg im Breisgau | Heidelberg | Münster

Baltic Coast and North German Plain

Due to the influenceof the sea, the climate around the Baltic and the North Coast is fairly reliable and with little variation. In contrast to inner Germany, the difference between seasons is less distinct. However, winters can be severe with cutting winds and freezing temperatures.
Summers are warm and pleasant. Rainshowers are frequent but do not last too long: the sunshine index is high, whilst the amount of rainfall guarantees a green and fertile landscape.

Today's weather and climate overview for Hamburg | Berlin

Bavarian Alps

The climate of Bavaria is similar to the climate of the Austrian Alps, esp. of neighbouring Tyrol. Winters can be cold and with frequent snowfalls. Germany's highest peaks and deepest valleys offer excellent wintersport opportunities.

The south is particularly famous for its warm foehn winds, which are notoriously blamed for everything from headaches to uncalled-for political changes. These warmblowing winds mostly occur in autumn and spring and often account for dramatic temperature fluctuations.

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