Bermatingen Primary school

Bermatingen there since 2003, only one elementary school site. Die ehemalige Außenstelle in Ahausen wurde zugunsten einer vergrößerten und modernisierten Schule am zentralen Standort Bermatingen aufgegeben. The former office in Ahausen was abandoned in favor of an enlarged and modernized school at the central site Bermatingen. Die neue Schule lässt sich mit Fug und Recht als eine der schönsten der Region bezeichnen. The new school can be justifiably described as one of the finest in the region.

Insgesamt knapp 200 Schüler besuchen die zweizügige Grundschule. A total of nearly 200 students attend the two rapid primary school. Den Kindern wird dabei neben dem reinen Schulbetrieb einiges geboten. The children are offered, besides the pure operating some schools. So gibt es eine Schulbücherei, die mit über 2.000 Bänden alles bieten kann, was das Kinderherz begehrt. So there is a school library, which can offer more than 2,000 volumes, all that child's heart desires. Mehrmals im Jahr werden namhafte Kinderbuchautoren zu Lesungen eingeladen. Several times a year well-known children's book authors will be invited to give readings.

Weitere Höhepunkte im Schuljahr sind die Kino-Vorführungen mit der schuleigenen DVD-Projektionsanlage. Other highlights of the school year, the cinema screenings with the school's DVD projection system. Modernste Technik bietet den Kindern ein authentisches Kinoerlebnis. Modern technology offers the children an authentic movie experience.

Most children join a primary school at age 4 and stay there until they are 11. Some children start at infant school, and stay there until age 7, when they move on to junior school until the age of 11.
Rye Primary School, opened September 2008
Rye Primary School, opened September 2008
Applying for a primary or junior school place

All applications for school places and offers of school places must be made via your child's home authority. So, if you live in East Sussex, you must apply through us even if the schools you prefer are in another county.

Similarly, if you live outside of East Sussex but want your child to attend an East Sussex school, you must apply through the local authority where you live.
Starting primary or junior school in September 2011

Our 2011 Admissions booklet below has everything you need to know about applying for a school place this September.

Once you have decided which schools you prefer, you can complete the whole application process online:

* Applying for a school place – Admissions booklet 2011-12
* Online application form – admissions in September 2011

Although the closing date passed, you can continue to use the online form to apply. Please refer to the admissions booklet for information on how late applications are handled.
What happens next?

Decision letters have been sent out on 8 April 2011 letting you know whether there is a place available at the school you wanted.

The key dates in the admissions process are in our timetable for 2011 primary school admissions.

If you are unhappy with the decision please see our page on School admission appeals
Changing schools during the course of the school year

If you need to apply to change schools during the course of the school year, you might find it helpful to visit your preferred schools to see what the school can offer your child. In all cases, you must complete an application.

* Online application – school admissions during the academic year

In year applications will normally take 15 school days to process.
Enquiries and advice

We will be happy to send you a printed copy of the booklets above if you need one. We can also help if English is not your first language.

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